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Re: Telstar (rant)

bighollowtwang - 19 Nov 2001 00:10:26

Guys, you might not agree with me but I really think there ought to
be a LAW against playing Telstar.
Or Pipeline, Wipe-out, Penetration, Surf Rider, Walk Don't Run, Baja,
Miserlou and all the other "hits".
If you're not going to write your own material, at least dig up some
obscure tunes that haven't been covered to death. Sure, it's nice to
play a song people actually recognize now and again...but why dig up
the "Greatest Hits of Surf vol.1" for live performance?
There's literally dozens of compilations of little-known surf tunes
by bands that no one remembers, and usually there's some real
treasures on these comps (you gotta hear "Diggin' Out" or "Wail on
the Beach" or "New Wave Surf Party" - despite the lame name and even
lamer cover artwork) that I don't hear modern bands covering very
I have the same complaint to make about so-called rockabilly bands or
blues bands that only play obvious covers that not only are
immediately recognizable, but have been covered to death by other
bands. It's "Oldies Syndrome" or something...hey, if you play well
and put on a good show folks will like you even if they DON'T know
the songs you're playing.


Brian Schultz (n2longboards) - 19 Nov 2001 07:05:19

I, for one (and I think I speak for more than one) like receiving
this kind of info from players like Dana. It's really hard for
non-performing players to find a sounding board and seek
advice (other forums are less kind at times to beginners and
intermediate players.) Vintage surf tunes like Telstar and Baja
are what guys like me need to cut our teeth on (I wish I could play
Telstar and Baja or Caravan well!)
Lets keep this forum user friendly for beginners (like me) and
veterans both.
I like hearing less known tunes as much as anybody and "feel"
your pain at hearing oldies done over and over again but it's also
great to hear another bands interpretation of songs like those
played with their own sound and style. I must own 10 different
versions of Latinia and love hearing all the different takes on it.
Brian Schultz
--- In SurfGuitar101@y..., bighollowtwang@y... wrote:
> Guys, you might not agree with me but I really think there ought
> be a LAW against playing Telstar.
> Or Pipeline, Wipe-out, Penetration, Surf Rider, Walk Don't Run,
> Miserlou and all the other "hits".
> If you're not going to write your own material, at least dig up
> obscure tunes that haven't been covered to death. Sure, it's
nice to
> play a song people actually recognize now and again...but why
dig up
> the "Greatest Hits of Surf vol.1" for live performance?
> There's literally dozens of compilations of little-known surf
> by bands that no one remembers, and usually there's some
> treasures on these comps (you gotta hear "Diggin' Out" or
"Wail on
> the Beach" or "New Wave Surf Party" - despite the lame name
and even
> lamer cover artwork) that I don't hear modern bands covering
> often.
> I have the same complaint to make about so-called rockabilly
bands or
> blues bands that only play obvious covers that not only are
> immediately recognizable, but have been covered to death by
> bands. It's "Oldies Syndrome" or something...hey, if you play
> and put on a good show folks will like you even if they DON'T
> the songs you're playing.


Dana and Roberta Vincent (dana_l_vincent) - 19 Nov 2001 18:33:14

Well...I have all of the referenced compilations, and I'm not sure there
are that many "real treasures" on those discs; nevertheless, I would
agree in principal with Mr. BigHollowTwang. Although my own preference
is original music, we did play "Telstar" in combination with "Stranger
in Paradise", and call it "Surfer in Paradise" on our "Mrs. Moto"
album. I think that as long as you give the original music a different
perspective (look at what Planet Seven did recently with "The Long
Ride"), either by taking a fresh approach or playing it in a compatible
combination with another song (not a "medley"; rather, a "new" song
using some of the elements of other tunes), it can sound very
contemporary....and yes, and if played well people will generally like
it, whether or not it is easily recognizable.
...let's hope this does not turn into another "Cowabunga" flame
Best regards, Dana VIncent wrote:
> Guys, you might not agree with me but I really think there ought to
> be a LAW against playing Telstar.
> Or Pipeline, Wipe-out, Penetration, Surf Rider, Walk Don't Run, Baja,
> Miserlou and all the other "hits".
> If you're not going to write your own material, at least dig up some
> obscure tunes that haven't been covered to death. Sure, it's nice to
> play a song people actually recognize now and again...but why dig up
> the "Greatest Hits of Surf vol.1" for live performance?
> There's literally dozens of compilations of little-known surf tunes
> by bands that no one remembers, and usually there's some real
> treasures on these comps (you gotta hear "Diggin' Out" or "Wail on
> the Beach" or "New Wave Surf Party" - despite the lame name and even
> lamer cover artwork) that I don't hear modern bands covering very
> often.
> I have the same complaint to make about so-called rockabilly bands or
> blues bands that only play obvious covers that not only are
> immediately recognizable, but have been covered to death by other
> bands. It's "Oldies Syndrome" or something...hey, if you play well
> and put on a good show folks will like you even if they DON'T know
> the songs you're playing.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
