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What Bigtikidude has been uptoo bandwise lately

bigtikidude - 09 Jul 2002 22:52:06

Well, I still haven't put anything together yet but still want to.
But after some inspiration from a set of flatwounds on the ole
hunker, I've been pluckin' the bass a little bit lately.
And Have been asked/or asked if I could sit in with some bands I've
gone to see. First back around the time of when I was in the
Intrepids, I sat in with The Wedge(Dick Dale cover band)and Jim Frias
(Nocturnes) and Jim Masoner(Lively Ones) were also sittin' in with
Them. We did Mr. Moto,Taco Wagon,The Wedge. Very cool to play with
a great band, and two Legends Or a Friend(Frias)and a Legend(Masoner)
Next around Late April Early May I went to see Banned From the Beach
at a surf Contest up in Malibu, Sat in on Mr. Moto,and Misserlou.
was a little bit of a train wreck because of no practice and it was
frezzing cold, But we pulled it off. Or I should say they pulled it
off as I fumbled around underneath it all.
On the Fourth of July I was invited to Local trad band The Breakers
Annual BBQ 4th Party. I had My bass along and had practiced a bit
before. We did Mr. Moto,Surf Beat,Taco Wagon,Pipeline,and Penetration
Very nice people to invite me to a family party and ask me to sit in.
Thanks alot to them.(Don pass that along please)
Last,Adrien(from Chum)and I went to go see the Surf Kings last sat.
and Instead were surprised to see Dead Men Don't Surf(ex-and Current
Dick Dale Members)A.K.A. The Dickless Deltones (ha that flores me).
So anyhow, Steve Soest of the Torquays(Guitar) played Bass with Dick
in the 70's and 80's on Bass. Also on Hand was Capt.Ron, Dicks
Current Bass player on Guitar,and Dusty on drums.
So any how, Steve had His Son Jessie(who plays Attack of the Flying
Squirels)on the New Torquays cd, along. And He sat in on Pipeline
and Endless Summer. So I get up enough nerve to ask if Adrien and I
can sit in on a few. So towards the end of the last set,Steve
switched over and played Guitar with Ron,and Adrien on Drums and Me
on Bass. We did Mr. Moto and Penetration. If I had any common sense
to me I would be as Nervous as Hell. But I know all these guys like
Family, and It just seems cool and Natural to Jam with them.
I must admit I need to practice alot more, and Learn more than just
the rudementary Versions of the songs(i.e. more walking bass and
little ad libs) But I think I get the Job done pretty good.
Oh, one last thing, I can't remember if I posted this before.
After the First Intrepids Party Gig we did. Dave Arnson showed up
late. After watching alittle of the Video and gettin somethin'to eat.
Dave wanted to jam. So He and Travis and I did a run throuh of Mr.
Moto(long Insect Style,with Dave Leads all over)and Probably Pipeline
or something. Then He showed Me Baja and we did Insect version of
that and Jack the Ripper. Then he showed me the Bare bone Version
Of 2 Insect songs and we played those. Sorry memory not respoonding
at this time to recall which ones. But it was way cool to play with
Dave as he is a really cool dude, and the Insect Surfers are the
Reason I got into Surf.
This is not meant as a Hey Everyone Look at me(I'm Cool).
It's More of a Thank you to the Bands That I go and Support, And
Have been nice enough to let me sit in. And I hope a thank you back
to me for going to support them.
