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Re: [SurfGuitar101] Re: Need a technical amp book.

Roland Bettenville (roland_bettenville) - 06 Jun 2002 12:07:46

I can not judge about that. But being an electronic engineer (not a tube amp
guru) I must say his book is clear and correct and does not need much
electronic background. I agree the London Power books are better but needs
more electronic knowledge to understand. A very good book is also Valve
Amplifiers - Morgan Jones it is only about Hi Fi amps but explains very well
how tube circuitry works and goes very deep into math.
Roland Bettenville
-------Original Message-------
Date: Thursday, June 06, 2002 18:27:35
Subject: [SurfGuitar101] Re: Need a technical amp book.
Amongst the tube amp gurus on the various newslists, Dan Torres has
an infamous reputation, partly because he has recommended some
irreversible mods and hacks on classic original blackface amps from
the 60's--which many regard as sacrilege. the best books you can
find, IMHO are available from the London Power web site. I
personally, would not read a book by Dan Torres or do business with
him. There are better, more responsible sources, again, IMHO.
--- In SurfGuitar101@y..., "Roland Bettenville"
<roland.bettenville@p...> wrote:
> For someone with no electronics background I 'll recommend "Inside
Tube Amps
> by Dan Torres
> Roland Bettenville
> roland.bettenville@p...
> -------Original Message-------
> From: SurfGuitar101@y...
> Date: Thursday, June 06, 2002 01:17:48
> To: SurfGuitar101@y...
> Subject: [SurfGuitar101] Need a technical amp book.
> Hi all,
> I am an amp 'newbie' and I want to understand more about the way
> an amp works but most importantly, how to service an amp. I've
> college physics. Are there any books out there that you might know
> that would suit me best? I want to learn more so that I may able to
> tweak my amp as I see fit. Thanks for the advice. CLC
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