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Re: [SurfGuitar101] Fender Reissue Reverb Unit

mctippens - 03 Nov 2001 00:21:34

I have the Fender RI reverb and was able to do a blindfold A/B with two
originals when I bought it. (I turned my back as the salesman switched
between the tanks at random). I found that the reissue affected a wider range
of tone than either the original units. It also produced more spitting sound
(due to the higher treble ability). I liked it as it was so I haven't mod'd
<<I also have a fender RI reverb. Try changing 6v6 to 6k6 and 12ax7 to 5751.
did it and it gave me some noticible improvement. Plus the mod is cheap,
because those tubes usually sell for $1-5. I wouldnt go as far as chanigning
the cap tho.
>I recently got a great deal on a brand new Fender reissue reverb unit
>on Ebay. This thing is fantastic! I can't believe how much reverb it
>can generate. However, it seems to suck the tone out of my guitar.
>Its like I had rolled the tone back when I use it. I have compensated
>by turning up the treble on my amp and using the bright switch. If I
>perform some of the mods that are floating around on the web, will
>this problem be corrected? By mods I mean swap out the tubes for more
>correct NOS tubes and/or change a cap.
>I have found that 6-6-6 on the knobs is quite effective.
>Anyone have any luck with digital reverb units/pedals?
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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