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An acoustic version of Dick Dale?

lebodde - 21 Dec 2001 18:23:36

I had originally posted this on Reverborama but since it is mostly
about guitar playing, I thought I would post it here too. No, it's
not specifically surf but it's a close cousin.
Last night I happened by a local guitar shop that was featuring a
concert by one Robby Longley. I had heard about him before so I
decided to check him out.
After a fun opening act (Dorian Michael) out comes this lanky dude all
clad in black (including leather pants) with a big smile on his face
and ... a carbon fiber classical guitar! (made by Rainsong)
He sits down and plugs the thing into what looks like a battery of
reverb pedals and other effects and embarks on what turns out to be an
hour long combination of danse macabre and bull fight with his
instrument. At times violent, at others delicate, but always supremely
elegant and truly mesmerizing. Half the note are plucked by his let
(fretting) hand while the right one is exploring every possible source
of sound on the guitar, turning it into a lead insrument, a rhythm
one, a drum set, a machine gun, a spanish castanette and everything in
between. A healthy does of reverb bring a huge depth the the musical
landscape and memories of the Dickster came to mind more than a few
times. Although, in my opinion, Longley has established a much wider
musical canvas without ever falling into the traps of aimless and
pointless improvisation as some surf "guitar gods" have.
The whole presentation is peppered with wonderful stories about the
origins of his compositions and his true joy of making and sharing
Although originally from New Orleans, he now resides and plays often
in the L.A. area. If you ever have a chance to catch him live do not
miss it under any circomstance. The schedule is on his web site which
also lets you hear some of his music. But be aware that it really is
live that the full impact of his presence comes to life. You will not
regret it.

See this post in context.