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Re: [SurfGuitar101] Fender Reissue Reverb Unit

Andrew Z. (avzay55) - 02 Nov 2001 18:05:09

I also have a fender RI reverb. Try changing 6v6 to 6k6 and 12ax7 to 5751. I
did it and it gave me some noticible improvement. Plus the mod is cheap,
because those tubes usually sell for $1-5. I wouldnt go as far as chanigning
the cap tho.
>I recently got a great deal on a brand new Fender reissue reverb unit
>on Ebay. This thing is fantastic! I can't believe how much reverb it
>can generate. However, it seems to suck the tone out of my guitar.
>Its like I had rolled the tone back when I use it. I have compensated
>by turning up the treble on my amp and using the bright switch. If I
>perform some of the mods that are floating around on the web, will
>this problem be corrected? By mods I mean swap out the tubes for more
>correct NOS tubes and/or change a cap.
>I have found that 6-6-6 on the knobs is quite effective.
>Anyone have any luck with digital reverb units/pedals?
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