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Re: [SurfGuitar101] Digest Number 16

IVAN PONGRACIC (ipongrac) - 17 Nov 2001 17:43:26

On Sat, 17 Nov 2001, Kahuna Kawentzmann wrote:
> > How did you start/join your surf band?
> We made the first Looney Tunes album.
> I feel I made the most that I could of the third wave.
Sebastian, I'm really glad to see you on this list. I have all three
Looney Tunes CDs, and I think the second one, "Modern Sounds Of", from
'95, is absolutely great!! I'd like to highly recommend this CD to all
the people on the list. Trad, energetic, and melodic, with a great mix of
less common covers and equally good originals. I'm happy to see you're
still into the stuff, even if not creating it any more.
PS I was the one that talked Art Bourasseau of MuSick Recordings to
include your version of "Go Go Dancer" on the Swinging Creepers tribute
CD. That is a simply stunning version of that fantastic song.

See this post in context.