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How do you play the first chord in Rumble?

xx0232 - 7.7% (1 vote)
xx0230 - 53.8% (7 votes)
Other - 38.5% (5 votes)

13 total votes.

This poll ran from June 06, 2011 to June 19, 2011.

This poll has 9 comments.


Choice 2 is the best choice here, but once you add the open high E, you can add the low E and the A as weel, what the hell, it's a noisy song

PolloGuitar | 06-Jun-2011 23:07:33 | Flag

I tried it and sounds good actually.

Abe | 07-Jun-2011 19:43:42 | Flag

This is a D power chord. The first 2 choices in this poll are not power chords.

A few months ago I scrutinized a Link DVD to see how he played this chord. A friend had challenged my impression that the high E string was played. So far as I could tell my friend was right both that Link ended this chord on the B string and that Link generally played power chords rather than majors. So, Link is the progenitor of power chords, not just Rumble.

The next question is: Did Link fret the G# on the G string or just damp it?

Squid | 11-Jun-2011 13:48:16 | Flag

I believe that the first chord is X0023x ; a D5 chord with an added A on the bottom, no 3rd. The E chord is 022x00, making it an E5. The A chord is also a 5 chord played 0022xx. Only the turnaround B7 and solo, which is an Emajor triad have a 3rd. The added 5 in each chord accounts for the songs girth.

psychonaut | 14-Jun-2011 22:54:40 | Flag

The copyrighted sheet music (1958) has Dsus2 (x00230), not D and not x0023x.

This is the link to it.

Having said all that, I think it sounds better and more like he played it later as x0023x. I wish he were still around to ask.

Noel | 15-Jun-2011 21:15:44 | Flag

Dsus2 sounds wrong, I don't hear a high E in the original recording. Emaj and Amaj are definitely wrong. Sheet music is almost always arranged for piano and often completely wrong for some wierd reason. A good example is the classic "Beatles Complete" book where some of the arrangements and keys bear no resembelance to the actual record. I'm positive it's D5 with an added A on the bottom and no F# or E on top. It just sounds much gnarlier without the 3rd.

psychonaut | 15-Jun-2011 23:09:21 | Flag

I humbly take it back! It is Dsus2! Upon careful listening, I do hear a high E ringing out over the D ( definitely contains the open A on the bottom ), he misses it sometimes though, especially the first time -- which is what was throwing me off. Hat's off to you.

psychonaut | 15-Jun-2011 23:52:25 | Flag

choice two, and played with plenty of attitude.

Strat-o-rama | 16-Jun-2011 14:08:21 | Flag

The title issue is the first chord in Rumble, not later chords. Psychonaut said Link does not include E in the first chord. This leaves this chord as x0023x indeed.

Later chords may be a different matter. Strictly speaking, adding the high E makes it Dsus9 not Dsus2.

Squid | 17-Jun-2011 12:05:13 | Flag

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