21 total votes.
This poll ran from September 26, 2013 to November 01, 2013.
This poll has 12 comments.
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See the forum thread here.
Wish I could come. Have a great time!
I just changed the poll title to "... 20th Anniversary shows" since they just announced a November 1 date in San Francisco.
I'm really gonna try to go to SF show.
thousands of miles away.......
An Ocean and a continent away
Unfortunately no, alas it is too far away..

For me to see them play
Ill have to wait for another day
I only wish I could attend. Somebody make sure to get a DVD made.
Wish there was more love for the Portland show! Ah well, there's a built-in fan base here in Pilgim Central!
Hell yeah! Can't wait.
I will be there with my horns on!
I voted yes because I convinced my older sister who lives near the mission in SF to go for me!