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Episode #4 is here with The Fender IV! Lady Reverb spins a mainly traditional 60's surf show. Plus part two of our interview with The Madeira at SurfGuitar101's first convention in August.
Track List:
Storm Surf - The Surfaris
Hurricane Beat - The Hurricanes
Pintor - The Pharos
The Rising Surf - The Tandems
Kings Surf - Dave Myer and The Surftones
The Jester - Jim Messina and His Jesters
Wayward Nile - The Chantays
Theme From Black Saddle - The Revelairs
Ghost Wave - The Vistas
El Gato - The Chandelles
Beyond The Surf - The Tornadoes
The Truant - The Truants
Our Favorite Martian - Bobby Fuller & The Fanatics
Smoke & Stack - The Aztecs
Margaya - The Fender Four
Jezebel - Al Casey
Interview with The Madeira
Breakout - The Surf Coasters
Drifter - The Surf Coasters
Surfcoaster - The Neptunes
Phil's Dirt - The Woodies
Blue Drag - The Kilaueas
Argosy - The TomorrowMen
Polaris - The Insect Surfers
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