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Stories with tag: "t-shirts"

SG101 Convention 2015 T-Shirts

The Surf Guitar 101 2015 Convention will have t-shirts! A Denver based company called ilaughoutloud is bringing a limited number of these, so be sure to purchase early. Shirts are available in a range of adult shirt sizes and will be $20 each. Proceeds of shirt sales help fund the convention! Contact GINNY at to pre-order and pre-pay with PayPal to be sure your size is available. While supplies last, shirts will be made available three days: Friday night a the Purple Orchid, Saturday at the Convention, and Sunday at the HB Pier Surf show. Pre-order or contact Ginny to let her know you're interested so she can bring enough!

There is more to this story, continue reading ...

SG101 T-Shirts Available Again!

Carol, aka Mom_Surfing, has a limited number of SG101 t-shirts available for purchase. For all the information, please see the forum thread. Thanks Carol!
