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Stories with tag: "gofundme"

GoFundMe Campaign for Surf Music Pioneer Paul Johnson

Paul Johnson, one of the founders and pioneers of surf music (Mr. Moto anyone?), is having some health problems, and hopefully you've been following along in this forum thread. Recently his daughter Anne setup a GoFundMe Campaign to help with his many expenses. Please consider helping out if you are able to contribute!

Paul has been a champion of and a constant presence at the SurfGuitar101 conventions over the years. Everyone who has attended a convention will remember Paul walking around grinning, giving the thumbs up to the bands, and of course performing tunes from his extensive and amazing catalog. He has contributed many insightful posts to our forums and has written a nice history of surf music which you can go read here.

Everyone at SurfGuitar101 wishes all the best to Paul on his tough road ahead. We can't wait to see him at a future convention!

Surf Drummer Dies While Playing Surf Music; Brought Back To Life; It's Stretch Riedle...!

I know I don't contribute much here, but as a member of the surf music and surf drumming community for 30+ years I figured it was ok to post this.

On 11/25/17, while playing a gig with my band the New Shockwaves, I suffered cardiac arrest and died slumped over my kit. I was quickly attended to with CPR [from my ex-girlfriend and still friend] and then by the 911 team that arrived. I was brought back to life, so I'm still around to tell this story. I've been in the hospital since, and on Monday 12/11/17 I will have my Mitral heart valve repaired. If repairing it doesn't work then I'll get a new mechanical valve installed. I'm also getting a defibrillator installed. I will be better than new at this point once I recover from the surgery.

I look forward to getting back on the kit and continuing to play for both the New Shockwaves and Fascinating Creatures Of The Deep.

Finally, a friend of mine started a GoFundMe page to help cover medical expenses. (I also can accept PayPal at I have no expectations from anyone, but I will put it out there nonetheless.

Surf's still up!
Stretch Riedle