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Surf Drummer Dies While Playing Surf Music; Brought Back To Life; It's Stretch Riedle...!

I know I don't contribute much here, but as a member of the surf music and surf drumming community for 30+ years I figured it was ok to post this.

On 11/25/17, while playing a gig with my band the New Shockwaves, I suffered cardiac arrest and died slumped over my kit. I was quickly attended to with CPR [from my ex-girlfriend and still friend] and then by the 911 team that arrived. I was brought back to life, so I'm still around to tell this story. I've been in the hospital since, and on Monday 12/11/17 I will have my Mitral heart valve repaired. If repairing it doesn't work then I'll get a new mechanical valve installed. I'm also getting a defibrillator installed. I will be better than new at this point once I recover from the surgery.

I look forward to getting back on the kit and continuing to play for both the New Shockwaves and Fascinating Creatures Of The Deep.

Finally, a friend of mine started a GoFundMe page to help cover medical expenses. (I also can accept PayPal at I have no expectations from anyone, but I will put it out there nonetheless.

Surf's still up!
Stretch Riedle