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Eddie Bertrand signed longboard up for auction

Eddie Bertrand signed longboard up for auction on eBay!

This very special 9'0" longboard, graciously donated by Irvin Surfboards of Huntington Beach, was the grand prize raffle item at the Benefit for Eddie Bertrand, held last winter. For those not aware, Eddie was one of the pioneers of SoCal surf music, both with the seminal Belairs and Eddie and the Showmen. Eddie is battling severe health problems, and I was thrilled to be a part of his benefit, and doubly fortunate to win the raffle for surfboard. Check out some highlights from the concert.

The board is in perfect condition and is a work of art in and of itself. It's been signed not only by Eddie Bertrand, but by all the performers --- first, second, and third-wavers --- who came together to help out a brother. This board has been a proud part of my decor for the last year, but it is time to put it to work to further assist Eddie with his medical bills. This auction is proceeding with Eddie's knowledge and approval, and 100% of the proceeds will be forwarded to Eddie at its conclusion. PLEASE step up to the plate for a most worthy cause. Local pick-up preferred, but if you are willing to bid to help Eddie, we'll work something out. Thank you for looking, please place your bid now!