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New feature at SG101: Surf band map!

Inspired by the map created by Kahuna Kawentzmann, we now have a surf band map of our own. Any member of SG101 can add a band to the map by filling out a form. Our map allows one to tag a band as either "active" or "inactive", and you can filter the results accordingly. This lets you view all bands, only active bands, or only the inactive bands.

Our map is only a few weeks old and we already have 277 bands on the map from all around the world!

I personally enjoy seeing where all the 60's surf bands were from. And it is really great to see all the modern bands. I hope you enjoy this new feature! Do you know of some bands that we are missing? Please add them.

This story has 1 comment.


This is awesome! Thanks for making such a cool feature. Smile

lakeplacidblue | 13-Oct-2014 21:28:31 | Flag

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