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Stolen Berzerkers Bass!


I have been corresponding with John Hamilton, bass player for the Berzerkers. He told me that his jazz bass was stolen from his car during the KFJC Battle of the Surfing Bands. I told him he should post information about it on SG101, but he indicated that he did not use this site and asked if I would mind posting the details of the bass just in case someone sees it somewhere. Anyway if anyone sees his bass please let him know where he can recover it. John is a great guy and does not deserve to have this happen to him. Below are the details of the stolen bass:
Stolen 1962 Fender Jazz Bass guitar: Olympic white body with a tortoise shell pickguard, maple neck with rosewood fretboard and clay dot fret markers. I'm trying to find the serial number(wrote it long ago before several moves). The finish is refinned in period correct color and nitro-cell. about 7 years ago, and has some small paint nicks on the horn and the butt end. It is not yet "checked", nor has the color yet been yellowed. The neck shows wear for forty years old but is in really great shape. Frets are original. So is all hardware. The most distinguishing marks to ID it are 1) An old cigarette burn stain about an inch long on the headstock between the nut and the F of the Fender decal. And 2) Old looking, filled-in, brown puncture marks in a circle around the clay fret markers on the top side of the neck from when some stupid put thumb tacks or something like that to mark the fret. That one is so very unique, you won't see that elsewhere. It is in a black, hard shell plastic case with "Fender" imprinted in it, along with a Boss TU-2 white tuner pedal, and two Planet Waves cables. The strap is also unique, in that it has a series of silver shield looking medallion ornaments with turquoise looking beads on the black suede strap.

This bass means alot to me. Any help leading to it's return to me will mean a nice reward for you. Please call or email John Hamilton at (650) 799-5018 or

This story has 1 comment.


That really sucks. I hope John gets it back.

Brian | 23-Jun-2006 16:52:32 | Flag

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