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The Shrunken Head Lounge Wants To Interview You!

Howdy Surf Bands,

With all the hats I seem to wear, I'm not finding enough time to actually conduct phone interviews with bands. But I have done virtual interviews in the past. If you'd like to send me an interview in an .mp3 I can assure you it will sound like we're actually speaking to each other! Please take your time and have fun - I'd like to fill about 15 minutes with the interview.


Hello and welcome to the Shrunken Head Lounge. Thank you for joining us! (you can respond how ever you feel)

  1. How/when was the band formed
  2. Band members, instruments played, equipment you prefer
  3. Your influences
  4. Recording and writing process
  5. Upcoming tour information
  6. Please mention any of your websites we can direct listeners to
  7. Any thing you may like to discuss. I will set up the question(s) accordingly

Also if you don't mind, please do a short promo for the Shrunken Head Lounge. Example: "Hello, we are ___ and you're listening to the Shrunken Head Lounge!". We will use this promo on other shows where you music may appear, just as a thank you!


DJ & Curator of The Shrunken Head Lounge

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