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Short Review of South Bay Surf Stomp #4

Hey All,

A great big Kudos goes out to Ted and Adrien for another fantabulous job on putting together another killer line up of bands. Some new, some new line ups, and some glad to see they are ok and still playing.

Big highlights for me:

The debut in front of the surf crowd of the Pacific Head Hunters, a real energetic group of young guys tearing it up with Sax also, and a mix of Trad, and Modern sounds.

Kelp, always good to see the Santa Barbara Boys come down for a Visit to South Bay.

Marty Tippens new band Flowmaster. He usually plays drums in this new band. But his guitarist was away, so he took the guitar duty, and got a guy to fill in on drums. Killer reverb and pickin as always Marty!

It was a bittersweet performance for Secret Samurai. As it was Eric's last, as he is moving away. They've got some new killer songs they've been recording and covering lately.

Big thanks go out to the Lava Rats for cruzin' down from S.F. for this show. You know that's gotta cost a bit since gas is sky high. Rippin' tunes as always form the Bay Area Boys. And I always get a smile on my face when I see Bill's reverb tank swinging on the old person walker by a bungee cord.

Longboard Ranch new line up (I think) ripped it up as it was one of the best times I've ever seen them play.

Chum (lineup #4 is it?): Rory of the Infrareds on guitar makes a amazing contribution to this band.

Detonators, after a very horrific car crash, Rob Woolsey made a spectacular comeback to perform so early after the accident for us. Glad to see you Rob, we were/are all pulling for ya.

And of course the Surf Kings. If you hadn't heard the rumors. There was fear that Rico (the drummer) wouldn't be able to play anymore. Turn out the trouble was a pinched nerve, not a cancerous cyst on his wrist.

And speaking of injuries. We missed the appearance of June Suckefish Spawn (new band for us to see). I guess the drummer smashed his hand in a door pretty badly.

It was a long day of surf, and my ears were ringing pretty good by the end of the night. And it wouldn't be a Suzy's show without Billy cookin up some carne asada and chicken tacos on the tailgate of the moho.


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