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SG101 Podcast Episode #14: New Releases in 2012; Part 1

After another long break we are back with Episode #14: New Releases in 2012 part 1. A big thank-you to Lady Reverb and Danny Snyder for their hard work on this one. Enjoy! Head on over to the podcast page and download away.

Track listing:

  1. The Aquatudes - Cindy in the Sun
  2. The Atomic Blast - Space Patrol
  3. Bang! Mustang! - 6 Waves Under
  4. Bevel Emboss - Rumba Nova
  5. The Biarritz Boys - Whatever Happened to the Longboard
  6. The Born Losers - Tokyo Drifter
  7. The Amazing Coconauts - Over the Rainbow
  8. The Concussions - Phantom Limbs
  9. The Crazy Aces - Invasion of Malibu
  10. Espectro Plasma - Columbia UFO Attack
  11. The Exotics - Surf Burglar
  12. The Good The Bad - 049
  13. The Grande Bois - El Meteor
  14. Hell-O Tiki - Futterman's Phobia
  15. The High Fidelics - Lil Curfew Breaker
  16. The Inframen - Mercy Kill a Burning Man  
  17. King Pelican - Morocco
  18. Los Kahunas - 7 Mares
Bed music and outro song by Los Straitjackets from their new album Jet Set.

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Thank You for including us!

CrazyAces | 02-Feb-2013 18:43:22 | Flag

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