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A note regarding Surfin' Sundays 2013

Aloha Everyone…

The following message is extremely important, please read carefully…

Although I am currently down sick with bronchitis for the second time this month I have need to address something very important…

You may or may not have heard rumors circulating around the surf music and surrounding communities coming supposedly from the museum…

Let me put all the rumors regarding Surfin’ Sundays 2013 Summer Concert Series and my continued involvement to bed once and for all…

The rumors that I have been made aware of don’t reflect the opinion of the current Board of Directors nor the future of Surfin’ Sundays…

Rest assured I am totally committed to Surfin’ Sundays concerts being run in the same fashion as I have been doing for the past 8 years…

Surfin’ Sundays is my lifeblood and I have invested my passion, heart and soul into it and intend to do so till I can no longer function…

I am currently working with the city of HB to set up the 2013 schedule both at the pier and HBISM and will be booking bands shortly…

In the next couple of weeks I will be filling out the extensive paperwork to obtain our permits and business license from the city of HB…

As for the meeting with the city of HB next month, it is strictly for me to attend in order to obtain our permits for Surfin’ Sundays…

Jeff BTD will be working with me and our faithful musicians to insure the we give you the best entertainment we have to offer…

Unless you hear directly from me please disregard any further rumors as total unwarranted deception coming from one individual…

If you any information, concerns, comments and or questions please email me directly at my usual dragonfly address…

Even though I am not responsible for this deception I feel the need to let you know I am deeply sorry for any stress this may have caused you…

Mahalo for your continued support…

Your humble servant,

Linda Miller

2013 Secretary/Director Surfin’ Sundays

This story has 3 comments.



You 2 are amongst the most courageous people that I have met in my lifetime!! The personal battles you have fought (Scotty, Your beautiful Son), and your respective health issues, my God you deserve so much better!! GODSPEED to you BOTH so that you may be able to kick the asses of those demons that have invaded your bodies!!

I have NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER that Linda will do exactly what she states she will do, even to her last breath (and may that be way way way way off in the future!!). LINDA you are 'the real deal'!! It's people like you, John, Jeff Big Tiki Dude Hanson, and yes, DICK DALE, that are working "above and beyond the call of duty", as the expression goes, to keeping instro surf-beat genre alive and well. I would like to think my monthly SURF-ROCK SHINDIGS at OTTO'S SHRUNKEN HEAD are also a part of that process, as I've been doing this regularly since 2004!!

Here are some quotes I found about RUMORS:

"I guess rumors are more exciting than the truth." (Venus Williams)

" Those who feed on rumors are small, suspicious souls." (Charles R. Swindoll)

"You know what rumors are like--like a jar full of moths. Once they escape, they're all over the place." (Rhys Bowen)

"People who spread rumors are like walking infections. The lying words from their mouths spread like disease from person to person. The only way to stop the disease is to keep your mouth shut." (Joyce Hansen)

"Those who feed on rumors are small, suspicious souls". (Charles R. Swindoll)

LINDA...YOU GO, GIRL!! Show 'em how it's done, baby!!

Hoping to catch up with you over the Summer!! SURF GUITAR 101 CONVENTION I intend to make this year!!



UnsteadyFreddie | 19-Jan-2013 13:36:03 | Flag

My dear friend Freddie...You're sweet encouraging words are music to my ears. It is people like you, Jeff BTD, Dick and all the wonderful musicians we're allowed the pleasure of working and associating with that inspire John and I to do what we do despite mulitple health issues. This note reminds me why we must carry on the surf music legacy and maintain the strong bond of friendship we all share with the surf and surrounding communities. You and I share a common bond of Jan 5th birthdays and having fought off your own demons with prowess and grace. Thank you for always being there for us and showing your undying love. I look forward to seeing you soon. Take care my dear friend. God bless you and much love. John & Linda xo

dragonfly | 20-Jan-2013 00:39:12 | Flag

I love the Surfin' Sundays! I even go once in a while!

WhorehayRFB | 21-Jan-2013 21:21:01 | Flag

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