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SG101 Yahoo Group Now For Announcements Only

Today was the last day for the old SG101 Yahoo Group. I've turned it into an announcements-only style group. Please check it for announcements from me in case something catastrophic happens with the new site (here).

The SG101 Yahoo Group was founded on Oct. 31, 2001, and it was a lot of fun, so today is a little sad. However, I'd like to think this new site is the next logical step for growth. I would like to thank all the members, past and present, for making it what it was, and for making this new site possible.

I know some people liked the email features of the Yahoo Group. I can't offer that (yet?), but I do have RSS feeds available for both the forums and the stories that appear here on the front page. I will make an announcement a bit later about these features. Meanwhile, please contact me via the Feedback link or send me a PM if you are interested in testing the RSS feeds.

I do have most of the messages from the Yahoo Group saved. I will be compiling them into some kind of database in the near future. Meanwhile, members can still search the archives at the old Yahoo Group site (as painful as that is).

Let's hope this new format is even more successful than the last! Thanks, everyone!


This story has 3 comments.


I wish Marty T. and Robi (from BitchBoys) would come on over here...I miss those two dudes...


dp | 01-Jun-2006 13:28:15 | Flag

And Dave Wronski...and Phil Dirt...and John Blair....!

Brian | 01-Jun-2006 22:32:08 | Flag

Not meant as a put down as I love the new forum( I was weary at first) But I knew that we'd leave some people in the dust. It sucks, that there are 12 or more different yahoo groups, and differnt web sites and forums all over the web. How do we( do we want to) unite all of them here. I remember what a hard time Klas had trying to talk us into that German web forum. any ideas??? I told Marty about the site, and he read my Nokie review, but didn't comment.

perplexed.... Jeff(bigtikidude)

bigtikidude | 05-Jun-2006 14:41:00 | Flag

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