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Crowd funding Nokie Edwards' hospital costs

This may be old news already, but the crowd funding site has a campaign going for The Ventures guitarist Nokie Edwards, who incurred a mountain of hospital costs in Japan.

Check it if you're interested in helping the family of the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame surf guitar legend.

Dear Friends and Fan family,
We are trying to raise money to help with Nokie Edwards hospital bills and care. He had two heart attacks while on tour in Japan. He has been in two hospital Sendi and Tokyo. We have cover one hospital and now trying to pay the bills from Tokyo Saiseikai Central Hospital. He has had a pacemaker/defib w/4 leads and 3 stints on his left side of his heart. We hope for him to be up and playing guitar soon. Music is the best therapy. He is a strong man that loves his music and his fans around the world. We have just found out that the MusiCare program Twill not help Nokie wirh his hospital bills because his heart attacks happened in Japan. I am asking our friends and fan family to please pass Nokie's Hospital Care link through their internet address books and facebook and twitter, Thank you for all your prays. God Bless, Judy

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