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Eddie Bertrand Update

As many of you know, Eddie Bertrand has terminal cancer has a week or perhaps 2 weeks at best left with us. In order to get as many letters to Eddie as possible you may email Eddie directly at I will print the emails and hand carry them to Eddie daily. Eddie is appreciative of your thoughts and well wishes.

This story has 3 comments.


What a privilege to be able to communicate our thoughts and appreciation to Eddie at this time. I can't thank you enough for doing this, Tim.

websurfer | 22-Oct-2012 11:59:45 | Flag

This pic of Eddie says it all. Look at his face. He put everything into his playing. His light will always illuminate surf music. Way to go, Eddie!

Thanks for everything.

Noel | 23-Oct-2012 15:56:53 | Flag

This is one of my favorite pictures of Eddie. It just says it all. Incidentally, Eddie is a veteran who served our country in the US Navy during the Vietnam war.

HBkahuna | 23-Oct-2012 17:27:17 | Flag

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