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Announcing the first annual Sierra Surf Music Camp!

Announcing the Inaugural Session May 25 - 28, 2012

Sierra Surf Music Camp is being created with the idea of spending a weekend with friends,family, and community in the study and appreciation of California’s indigenous folk music – Surf! We wish to bridge the gap between professional and amateur musicians bringing the founders of the genre together with folks just beginning to discover it in a fun and friendly setting.

Classes Offered: Individual and Group Lessons (Guitar, Bass and Drums) Seminars on Songwriting, Recording, Production, Performance, Technique, Gear Maintenance, Sound Modification, Surf Music History and much more!

Instructors include: Paul Johnson, John Blair, Dusty Watson, Ron Eglit, Paul Beatie, Ferenc Dobronyi, Bob Bitchin', Brett Cole, Tim Stephenson and more to be announced!

Daily Activities: Early morning Exercise and Stretching designed for musicians, Acoustic Breakfast Campsite, Hiking, Gold Mine Tours, Surf Art with Jim Lee, Softball, Volleyball, Horseshoes, Fishing, and Nightly Campfire Stories!

Command Performances: The Surf Beat Allstars (featuring John Blair, Dusty Watson, Ron Eglit), The Pyronauts, Paul Johnson and friends.

Tom Duncun from Spectral Media will be premiering a clip from the anticipated surf music film, Sound of the Surf.

The Sierra Surf Music Camp is located in the lush hills of Northern California’s Gold Country. Price includes lodging and meals. Campsites also available.

Sierra Surf Music Camp
Memorial Day Weekend 2012
Donner Mine Camp – Nevada City, CA
Friday through Monday (May 25th-28th)
Cost: $250 per student, $400 per couple, 15% discount if registered before April 15th, 2012

This story has 4 comments.


Wow! That's my Birthday weekend (yours too Ivan!) I know what I'm asking for!

elreydlp | 28-Jan-2012 00:00:09 | Flag

It's also my birthday weekend! Party time!

Pyronauts | 28-Jan-2012 00:59:07 | Flag

Oh yeah! I couldn't remember who the other SG101 I share a birthday with. La Reya says we're coming!

elreydlp | 28-Jan-2012 20:11:10 | Flag

E-mail me at for an application!!!

Pyronauts | 06-Feb-2012 12:19:18 | Flag

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