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SG101 2011 MP3 Compilation Now Available on

Our 2011 MP3 compilation has just completed, and for your convenience it has been uploaded to 2011 MP3 Compilation @

Once again, this compilation was done just for fun, and the contributors range from bedroom players to gigging musicians. This was an opportunity to share music, recording tips, and do something cool together. has been a nice home for our compilations. It provides a nice web based player, and a way to download all the files as one big .zip file. It is also a good way for music video and film producers to find the music. If you appreciate all the great things provides, please consider making a donation

Thanks again to everyone who contributed to the compilation. We had a strong showing this year with 34 entries. Please check the forums, it is likely we will schedule an IRC listening party sometime in the near future.


This story has 2 comments.


I admit I'm a total Luddite these days regarding computers. I've just spent a whole morning failing to do a 15 minute job. I won't make your day by telling you everything I've done wrong. But after FINALLY downloading the MP3 files, what I got crashes Media Player every time. So I've deleted the files it took me all morning to download. Media Player has no trouble playing the online links. Great comp by the way. Any ideas? Thanks.

Noel | 23-Dec-2011 11:48:23 | Flag

Worked the FOURTH time, but I didn't do anything different.

Noel | 23-Dec-2011 14:26:03 | Flag

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