Update on Rob Woolsey of The Detonators
Submitted by
on May 03, 2006.
Rob Woolsey, guitar player with
The Detonators was recently involved in a car accident. The Detonators contributed a fine track (Liquid Chaos) to our 2005 MP3 compilation. Rob recently posted an update on his condition to the Cowabunga Yahoo Group. I am reprinting it here. Please join me in wishing Rob a very speedy recovery!
Hi All,
My bandmate Billy Scanlan let me know about all the messages of
concern that the Detonators have been receiving on my behalf, so I
figured I ought to pop up out of the gopher hole and let everybody
know what's going on.
The bad news: Yep, I was in a little Miata convertible that flipped
on a twisty road in the Santa Monica Mountains. I got pretty beat up
in the process and made a few unplanned contributions to the pavement!
The good news: My guardian angel must have been flying directly
overhead because somebody set 2400 lbs of car down on me like a
feather, and I was able to crawl out in one piece with the help of
some heroic good samaritans who kept me alive until the paramedics
arrived. Except for a few really good gouges/lacerations, everything
else is road rash and all systems are intact. I'm still amazed and so
is everyone else who's been involved or saw the car afterward. You
can believe I'm counting my blessings for the way these dice landed
and for all the positive thoughts and words of support from everybody.
Ironic Surf Content: In 2001 Mazda revised the Miata's seatbacks to
extend up above the driver's head. Some old-school Miata purists
didn't like the look of those two things sticking up in the air and
they became known as the "surfboard seats". Those two surfboards
held the car up and definitely saved my life.
Anyway, thanks for all the kind words and thoughts. I'm really
looking forward to seeing everybody at the annual Memorial Day
weekend surf blast at Suzy's. Look for the guy with a bandage or
two, and a little angel on his shoulder.
Rob Woolsey
The Detonators
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That's some great news!