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We're Moving To A New Server!

Thanks to your generous donations we are doing some upgrading around here. SG101 is moving to a new server. I'll start the move early Monday, May 25th. It may take several hours for the domain name to server address change to propagate around the internet. To prevent forum posts from getting lost, I'll just shut down the current site early Monday. After a few hours you should see us running again.

I've done these domain name transfers before. Sometimes they go fairly quickly and I've also seen them take 24 hours. It also depends on where you live. Hopefully it will be quick. And you Americans should be out celebrating Memorial Day in any event. :) If you want to check the status, I'll post updates to my twitter feed.

The new server will provide us more growing room and will be a good platform to launch a long overdue upgrade to the site software. Thanks everyone for your support and patience during this transition!

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