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Server Upgrade - SG101 Needs Your Support

Ok, I've been going around and around on this and have changed my mind several times. Here's the deal: SG101 needs a new operating system to keep us going in the long term. This will also facilitate rolling out a test version of the next version of this website: SG101 v2.0. I was going to bring the whole server down for a few hours (or more) and perform the work and bring it back up. However I'm not really certain I can do the job in "just a few hours", and I'd hate to cause a major goof and have us go down for several days. So, here is the new plan: I'm going to upgrade the server by renting a new one, and gradually transition all of our stuff over to it over the course of (hopefully) one month or so. A brand new server will have a much faster processor and double the memory we have now. This will be a good long term investment. However, it does mean that I'm going to be renting two servers simultaneously for a short time.

So I'm rattling the donation cup so I don't have to eat all the costs myself. SG101 is completely member supported, so if you enjoy arguing about small circles of foam, small tear-drop pieces of plastic, long skinny metal strings, coils of wire wrapped around magnets, glass tubes with hot wires in them, with the occasional infrequent discussion of SURF MUSIC and LIVE SHOWS (I keed, I keed), then I'm asking you to consider pitching in a few bucks to help with the costs of this endeavor. If everyone just gives a few bucks each that should cover me during this transition period. Your generosity and support is, as always, GREATLY APPRECIATED.

Here is the link to the donations module, which eventually leads to Paypal. Remember you don't have to have a Paypal account to donate, they will accept major credit cards.

If you have any questions, comments, or want to help in other ways, please feel free to contact me.


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