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Venturesmania (w/Nokie Edwards) and Deke Dickerson's Eccophonics

First up was Deke Dickerson, and his Eccophonics. Deke is one of those guys I don't think about going to see all the time. But when I do, I always enjoy myself. He plays a style/styles of Music I'm not really into. As in I don't buy the cd's of Rootsrock/rockabilly, but Live I totally dig it and can get into the vibe, and appreciate the music more.

I'm not even going to try to go over a song list. But needless to say, I'm sure they covered his career, and Dave Stucky got up and they did a few songs with him also. Garret from the Ghastly Ones is Deke's new rhythm guitarist.

Then Ventures Mania took the Stage (minus Nokie) and did an excellent set of not totally obscure, but more obscure than the standard Ventures set of originals and covers. Diamondhead, 2000 lb. Bee, He Never Came Back are a few I can think of. They sounded really tight, and well rehearsed. I thought the treble could have been turned up. But Marty Tippens said up front the guitars sounded fine. It must have been all the bodies filling up the place (about 300 some said). I wish they had some reverb on the guitars. But I know that no reverb is more the Ventures sound. Such is life.

Next up all 4 of the Ventures Mania were joined by Nokie Edwards. You can tell he's getting up there in age, but walks and moves around very well still. And I saw him talking to some people and he has all his wits to him still, and seems to be in good spirits. Deke said he has been in town filming the Deadwood series on HBO. So he asked him to join them for the show. So the first thing that shocked me was that he sits down on a stool to play. So there went any chance of seeing him play from where I was. I did go up front for a song to see his fingers fly on a song, but then went back to my seat. Venturesmania played a more run of the mill set of Ventures songs, and covers, such as Perfidia, Lullaby of the Leaves, Penetration, Pipeline, Wipeout, Caravan, and others. I will say he's a very good guitarist, but I was a bit let down by all the hype. I was expecting to see a Chet Atkins / Joe Maphis caliber type player. Not even close. Just sounded like a good instro/surf player. No mistakes that I noticed, and his timing and sound levels very consistent. Just not the style, or intensity I'm really into.

I'm glad I got to see him before it was too late. and I'm not trying to take anything away from him. He totally deserves all the recognition he has got, and will get. And I think that he and the Ventures should definitely be in the rock and roll hall of fame.


PS. Venturesmania used old Ventures model Mosrites, plugged into Showman amps. Nokie had the newer custom model guitar he's been using lately (sorry don't know the maker) but it has gold hardware, and a flammed maple top I believe. My buddy Ran told me that he saw one reverb tank on stage. But I have a feeling it never got used. :-(

This story has 5 comments.


Cool Jeff...but I gotta say, your comments about Nokie kind of made me squirm. Were you expecting a dead guy? It's Nokie Edwards for crying out loud!!!! Smile
Who was playing bass for Venturesmania? It wasn't Pete Curry this year, was it?

Brian | 10-Apr-2006 22:58:42 | Flag

The Venturesmania line up was: Guitars - Deke Dickerson and Garrett Immel, Bass - Mel Bergman (Phantom Surfers), Drums - Chris "Sugarballs" Sprague.

I wasn't diappointed at all with Nokie. I think part of Jeff's disappointment was not being able to see his hands. From what I saw on Deke's Guitar Geek Festival 2 DVD, seeing how effortless his playing is, makes a big part of the impact (Jeff- did you watch your DVD already!!!????!!!) I would have wanted to hear/see him play the less known songs, but it was obvious that he would play the big hits, which is fine with me. The last 3 songs I think were Wipe out and Pipeline (which I could have done without), and Hawaii 5-0. Then the crowd demanded an encore, and he did a really good version of Caravan. Then someone from the crowd leaned into his ear for a request. I was hoping it was "Journey to the Stars", but alas, it was "House of the Rising Sun", which again, I could have done without.

Deke's junk sale was chock full o' good cds and vinyl, a little more junky on the gear side, though he did have some grill cloth for sale, which I thought if getting. No - not any Gold Sparkle for Ivan.

During the time before the show I met Abdel Khineche - an istrumental guitarist originaly from Algeria (member Abdel here). We talked about Shadows music, Middle Eastern music and life in general.

All in all, a great evening, I would reccomend it to anyone who can make it, if it happens again. If I would go again, though, I'd make an effort to stand right in front, so I can experience the full effect.

Oh - as Jeff pointed out to me - Lux Interior and Poison Ivy (Cramps)were in the crowd (as were low-brow artrist Coop and his wife).


kick_the_reverb | 11-Apr-2006 09:29:04 | Flag

Thanks for filling in the Gaps , Ran. I'm gonna call or e-mail Marty
Tippens and try to talk him into coming on here to post a review. No I haven't watched the DVD yet. are you gonna repremand me sir?


bigtikidude | 11-Apr-2006 21:47:01 | Flag

Oh 1 more thing. Pete Curry was there, and got up and played 1 or 2 songs on drums.


bigtikidude | 11-Apr-2006 21:48:30 | Flag

I was there too. The venue is close to home, so I go there often. A front row seat alway provided a good view, but not that night. The place was packed. I first saw Nokie perform with the Venture about the time they were celebrating their 25th anniversary, and more recently, at the NAMM show. I think he has some bad back problems, and that's why he has to sit when he plays. Hey, none of us are getting any younger. The guitar he was playing was his own " Nokie Edwards HitchHiker" which he designed (his company).

JeffLeites | 23-Apr-2006 21:06:37 | Flag

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