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The Illustrated Discography of Surf Music 4th Edition is Now Available!

Hot off the press, from John Blair:

The new 4th edition of "The Illustrated Discography of Surf Music, 1961-1965" is here!
Hundreds of 45s and LPs with labels and album covers in full color. The new edition is 248 pages with a Foreword by Dick Dale. There are Appendixes for compilation albums, movies and documentary soundtracks, and surf music on the Top 100. The new 4th edition also has a greatly expanded index from earlier editions.
Price is $46 plus p/h.  Order up to 3 copies directly at using PayPal or credit card. Email to for price and shipping on quantity orders.

Click read more to see the book cover...
Book Cover

This story has 5 comments.


I like that cover. No Strat? Ivan is going to have something to say about that.

Stormtiger | 14-Nov-2008 11:14:29 | Flag

Oh man! I have been waiting for this!

Tuck | 18-Nov-2008 20:33:01 | Flag

Ok, this has to go in my list of stuff to buy. I have seen the book many times for for some reason I haven't bought it yet before...

Thanks for the info.

surferjoemusic | 19-Nov-2008 07:22:06 | Flag

This is great news. Congrats John! I can't wait to pick up a copy, as I missed the other editions.

Brian | 19-Nov-2008 08:55:29 | Flag

I can't wait to get a copy. hopefully santa delivers, if not....

InductLinkWray | 21-Dec-2008 17:16:00 | Flag

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