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Pounding Surf - DVD

From Paul Johnson's Website:

Pounding Surf - DVD
TWO complete programs on one DVD: The feature-length documentary, A Drummer’s Guide to Surf Music, presents a colorful history of the genre (´60s-to-present day) along with great live performances, interviews with key figures and other special features. A separate program, The Art of Surf Drumming, offers instruction from four top surf drummers.

Please be assured: this package is NOT just for drummers — it’s for everyone who loves good music! What started out as just a simple idea for a “surf drum instruction video” has ended up as a much larger concept...  I was invited into the project early on to contribute guitar parts for the drum lessons; then I was asked to narrate “a bit of history” ... This grew to more ambitious proportions as we began to see the potential for producing a general-interest documentary feature along with the lessons. I was soon co-producing and doing the video editing, and we continued developing and refining the content until we were satisfied that we had compiled the most comprehensive and authoritative treatment of this subject that has ever been done.

You´ll see many of the top musicians from the original and present-day scenes, performing and telling stories illustrated with lots of great photos, video clips and graphics from every period. I think it’s safe to say that anyone who views this documentary will gain a thorough understanding of the dynamics of the surf music movement and how it evolved to what it is today!

— PJ

Head on over to Paul's Pounding Surf page and check out a preview clip of the DVD. Read what your fellow SG101'ers are saying about the DVD in this forum thread.

This story has 1 comment.


Pounding Surf is a great production. I enjoyed it very much and recommended to all the guys in Surfer Joe Music. Some of them bought it already.

Yes, it is NOT only for drummers. There are stories about surf music's history and some explanations. Plus it gives the basics for all drummers who want to approach surf music, expressing the importance of the rhythm section of the band more than the lead guitar only. It is definitely interesting.


surferjoemusic | 09-Nov-2008 09:44:46 | Flag

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