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New site offers drum loops just for Surf!

Home recording and surf music enthusiasts ... here's a cool new retro-website made just for you:

Steve's Springy Surf Drums

There are four different packs for $4.99-$9.99 that offer reverb/non-reverb loops in Apple/AIFF formats, so that both Mac and PC users can create some fun surf songs at home.  If you don't have access to a real drummer or quality surf drum loops, then these are perfect for you.  Or even if you're a drummer, in a band with a drummer, or have access to a studio and drummer ... these loops are still great to have on hand to build everything from demo songs or complete albums. 
Spring on over!

This story has 2 comments.


Cool!! Those sound clips sound good!

Good prices too! I'll definitely be trying some of these out when I get back into demoing some songs on GB again.

skeeter | 22-Jul-2008 08:50:07 | Flag

Hey, skeeter ... I saw this comment. Thanks, and I hope you hop into the loops sometime! I bet you'll have a blast. AND ... I clicked on your Myspace link, and I love your music! Really, it was well written, well played, and very fun. The first song I heard was positive and happy. I like darker surf songs a lot too, but it was cool to hear one based off of lots of major chords.

Nice work! Maybe you'll make a new CD with my loops, too!

Have fun,

Steve Chapman

Steve_Chapman | 23-Jul-2008 06:26:51 | Flag

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