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Dusty Watson talks to Dick Dale

Check this out! Super drummer Dusty Watson wrote a great conversation with Dick Dale feature in Inland Island Weekly.

This story has 5 comments.


thatnks for posting this article! it's great to hear from Dick Dale and to read that he's still got "the fire"

dp | 28-Jun-2008 01:57:10 | Flag

man that crazy old coot just keeps going and going.

bigtikidude | 28-Jun-2008 15:15:13 | Flag

What a fun article. I love that Dick Dale says he was surfing and playing music every day, surfing was his life and yet the sounds he was making had nothing to do with surfing. The result? An enduring genre with a sound clearly identified as "the surf sound" which continues to inspire thousands of musicians world-wide.

surfmuse | 30-Jun-2008 11:36:51 | Flag

Great article - thanks for posting it!

Interesting to think guitar riffs we play now were inspired by drums, the ocean...and roaring animals? Well, I never!? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

oestmann | 04-Jul-2008 07:40:40 | Flag

There's never been - and there will never again be - anyone like Dick Dale. The man is an original and an inspiration. For all his foibles, I really love the guy. May he be with us for a long time to come!!!


IvanP | 13-Jul-2008 11:22:35 | Flag

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