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CD Review-Mister Neutron Nor'easter

 Nor’easter – Mister Neutron  -  2008 Deep Eddy Records

I’ll try to keep this brief…Put the top down, set the cruise control & hit the open road with Mister Neutron’s newest CD - Nor’easter. Here are my favorite picks and my thoughts on the latest Mister Neutron arrival…

Nor’easter opens with an acoustic duet by Damien Fanelli and guest Mike Caro performing The Big Island. This is an amazingly beautiful piece that shows off the depth of creativity of the composer. Thank you for breaking out of the Jersey barriers that so many seem to want to put around surf bands today.  I could definitely get used to this new type of composition from Damien. Mike Caro also makes an appearance on Vlad The Impaler adding an eerie sounding organ to the surf cocktail.

The Big Island is followed by the hard hitting title song, Nor’easter. Like its namesake, this storm builds slowly then hits you with a powerful guitar playing that knocks you off your feet. The pace at which Damien, Drew & Tony play never lets up. They play faster, faster…then it abruptly drops off as though it never happened. It’ll take you a while to dig out from the storm surge.

Completely different is Point Pleasant which has heavy bass lines and a sultry twang that takes your breath away as it slowly dissolves into a quiet sunset. Grab your honey and dance on the sand to this one. But don’t get too comfortable as this is quickly followed by Stratosphere or should I saw Stratos-FEAR. WOW! There are a couple of covers, including Mambo Italiano. Has another surf band covered this before? Not to my recollection. Just try to sit still when this comes on, it’ll be impossible. The campy and yet swinging’ conversation between the guitar, bass, drums and percussion is unmistakable.

Neutron Summer is quickly becoming one of my favorite summer time tunes It’s reminiscent of the trad sounds of decades past with just enough of a drum line to kick it up to the 21st century. Mister Neutron’s West Coast tour is clearly reflected on Nor’easter when you hear Big Sur Prize, which is no surprise as it’s another rocking original. Sea Girt Agent Man opens with some seriously deep dark bass and it stays put all though the next 3 mins. Added to the recipe again is the guest Farfisa which builds the song to such nice heights.

For you west coasters Nor’easter is named for the winds that blow in from the northeast and drive storms up the east coast. They are fierce, brutal and can come in with unexpected speed. A truly powerful Nor'easter can bring your life to a standstill and makes it nearly impossible to get anywhere for days. This CD lives up to it’s name

This story has 5 comments.


hey Blue StingRaye, thx for taking the time to thoroughly review this album; Mister Neutron are a great bunch of guys, who play an intense brand of surf, especially live. UNSTEADY FREDDIE

UnsteadyFreddie | 22-Jun-2008 21:30:21 | Flag

I got this CD too and was totally blown away by it.

I thought that is was a great 2nd release by the band , and showed alot of growth and originality.

It is a tad on the Heavy side on a few of the songs,

which some people might not consider to be surf.

But I dig the hell out of it.

bigtikidude | 23-Jun-2008 14:21:11 | Flag

I generally don't review CDs for a couple reasons, 1. I don't like to, 2. I don't feel it's my place as a DJ to show a bias towards one band or another. But I'm compelled to share a few thoughts on Nor'easter. (NM's third release after MN Loves You and Red Triangle.)

This has got to be MN's best release by far. It's a combination of speed, power, energy, melody, moodiness, etc. The playing is incredible. I'm sure having see them live a few times only makes the CD that much more enjoyable. I'm sure the crowd at the Purple Orchid would agree.

I know Damien is a huge Slacktone fan and it's clear in a couple songs of Dave Wronski's influence... much the same as songs by The Razorblades or The Hawaiian Astroboys. But if anyone has the ability and talent to play in the same league as Dave has got to be commended. (MN does an incredible cover of Coffin Closer!!)

My favorite song off their first CD is strangely enough a vocal... Hydroplaning. On Nor'easter, to my delight, they took this song and turned it into a beautiful instrumental, combining it with The Big Island, making it a “mini-medley”. It's just a gorgeous song... thanks Damien.

I certainly have my favorite releases of the year so far and Nor'easter is right up there amongst the leaders. I really like it... a lot.

Clint | 02-Jul-2008 18:32:47 | Flag

thanks very much -- blue, freddie, jeff and clint! go forth and enjoy the 4th! damian

MisterNeutron | 03-Jul-2008 11:36:42 | Flag

The crowd at OTTO'S SHRUNKEN HEAD agrees as well!! Thx CLINT for getting behind this great band. on every level....happy 4th


UnsteadyFreddie | 04-Jul-2008 15:55:54 | Flag

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