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laramie dean out with agent orange!

besides the fantastic news of agent orange releasing a live dvd from hamburg germany, surf guitar axe man laramie dean is now on tour with the boys and has been sitting in with them on select instros for their encore. if they are coming your way good. if not, then i suggest you go to them.

This story has 3 comments.


I am super stoked for this opportunity! I wanted to open up for Agent Orange, never thought Mike would invite me to sit in with them and play! It has been killer!


laramie | 05-Mar-2008 21:58:39 | Flag

Larime, thats pretty cool man,

are you still gonna be out on the road with them,

when they swing thru So. Cal. again?


bigtikidude | 06-Mar-2008 19:44:24 | Flag

The last date on this tour is Vegas, March 15th. We just played Olympia, and it smoked! I am having a blast!

Thanks again for bring up the tank to the LA show!


laramie | 07-Mar-2008 05:53:47 | Flag

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