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We're Moving!

This site has been around for nearly 4 years now. The first 2 years it was just a static HTML site, mainly meant to host photos from all the surf shows my wife and I had went to. Then, nearly 2 years ago, I loaded up some interactive software and the site as you know it was born. We have grown a lot in those 2 years, and I have big plans for the future. So I have decided to move this site to a dedicated server, where we will have much more room for growth and experimentation.

Never having done this before, I'm not sure how it is all going to play out. We will still be known as, but the domain name must be moved to the new server. That may mean a day or two of disruption. There may also be a period where people in one part of the world are posting on the old server, while others have already been moved to the new server. I'm going to try to minimize that, but it may happen that a few posts get lost in the shuffle. When will this happen? Sometime in the next 7-14 days I think.

I'm really looking forward to having more space, bandwidth, and potential for future growth. Thanks again for your support!

This story has 3 comments.


Thanks for making it happen and many thanks for all you do Brian.

seafoam_johnny | 15-Feb-2008 03:03:44 | Flag

Thank you Brian@!!!

Chopper | 15-Feb-2008 14:47:44 | Flag

Packin up the U-haul

and movin across town huh?


bigtikidude | 15-Feb-2008 19:04:34 | Flag

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