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Bob Spaulding Guitar on eBay

I received this via a long forwarded email chain... -BN

Happy New Year to Everyone,

I’m writing to let you all know that one of my Venture model Aria guitars will be auctioned off through eBay starting around 02/01/2008. The proceeds will be used toward a benefit fund for Tony Carbone a young friend and musician. Tony has been battling a virulent form of cancer for the past 3 years and all his friends are gathering together to provide the necessary support.

Tony has been my son Ian’s writing and musical partner for more than 25 years. They met in 4th grade and became fast friends while beginning to play, sing, and write songs at the Spalding house. Tony also became intertwined in Ian’s story by introducing him to his future wife Sandra Abrahamian. Of course Ian and Sandra got married in 1998 with Tony as their best man. Tony and Ian recorded their first songs in the 5th Venture’s home studio while young teenagers. It almost landed their first recording contract with Electra Records (they were only sixteen). They both evolved into accomplished musicians and artists. Tony’s group Bike Ride recorded several CDs released both in the US, Europe, and Japan.

Please let anyone know that may have an interest in this 5th Venture autographed Ventures’ model guitar that was played by Bob Spalding on the Ventures Japan Tour of 2005. If you have any questions or interests in this auction please let me know. This is for a great cause to get Tony going again and back to his music.

I hope everyone will have a great 2008.

Bob Spalding
The Ventures
BigDog/LittleDog Music

This story has 1 comment.


Here is the ebay item # 330208795796 anybody wanna loan a stranger a couple grand?

seafoam_johnny | 01-Feb-2008 11:52:52 | Flag

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