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John Blair's New Website

John Blair, noted surf historian and founder of Jon & The Nightriders writes:

I've been working on my own website and it's finally online. Please check out:

As indicated on the site, Jon/Nightriders' 1986 LP "Stampede" is going to be released on CD for the first time by Crossfire Publications later this year. The CD has been mastered from the original 2-track tape and will include several bonus tracks. I don't have a street date yet, but I'll post it here when I find out. There are other projects in the works, too. Check out my website for further info.

Keep on the lookout for a new 4th edition of his “Illustrated Discography of Surf Music, 1961-1965,” revised and greatly expanded!

And finally, please welcome John to SG101!

This story has 1 comment.


Can't wait to get the cds and the books.

bigtikidude | 28-Aug-2007 12:33:43 | Flag

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