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Event Calendar Now Available

I have just installed an event calendar. If you have an event (show date, release date, etc.) that you would like to publicize, just click on the Calendar and then Submit Event Info. Fill out the form, paying careful attention to the event date (it defaults to today). Then click Submit Event to send the info to me for approval. Please leave a comment here if you have any problems or questions. Thanks!

This story has 3 comments.


I've loaded up a couple of dates to see how it looks, but I'm counting on you guys to submit shows as they become known.

Brian | 16-Mar-2006 22:51:35 | Flag

BTW, I know it is a drag to re-enter a gig's info if you've already got it on your band's page. In that case, just provide a link back to your band's page in the other information field. There isn't a lot of room to "write" anyway. Smile

Brian | 17-Mar-2006 17:22:39 | Flag

I'm really glad people are submitting events. I made a few fixes to the calendar so that it uses the date from which you clicked "Submit Event Info" as the event date instead of always using todays date.

Brian | 23-Mar-2006 18:19:44 | Flag

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