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The Swamp Coolers & The Surfside IV from

Tiki Lounge Party Enchants Downtown Phoenix

The sandy specter of our own beloved surf music legacy reared its tiki-carved head in downtown Phoenix on Wednesday night, July 25, as Fender co-sponsored what will hopefully not be the last Tiki Lounge Party.

Though miles from any ocean, popular Phoenix nightspot the Rhythm Room echoed with the kind of reverb-drenched sonic SoCal bliss that could only come from Candy Apple Red Jaguar and Jazzmaster guitars plugged into Dual Showman and Twin reverb amps. A couple hundred guests swilled rum punch as hot rods filled the parking lot, where a live tiki-carving demo (involving, um, chain saws) was under way. Cowabunga, dude …

Tiki artist Doug Horne (left) with Fender's Jim Bryant and the “Unquiet Village” acoustic guitar given away later that evening.

Fender acoustic guitars were front-and-center, too—the evening was capped with a giveaway of a Fender limited edition “Unquiet Village” tiki acoustic guitar, featuring artwork by noted tiki artist Doug Horne, who was at the party.

“It’s great to have a tiki-themed event here in Phoenix,” Horne said. “It’s very cool, and it’s a rare thing here.”

Fender Acoustics big kahuna (tiki-speak for “marketing manager”) Jim Bryant said it was “just plain cool to be part of this hip event. Young and old; tattoos and tikis; music and dancing—it’s all good fun, and really that’s what Fender Acoustics is all about.”

Surfside IV guitarist Trey Rhodes and bassist Dave Destafano ride the wild Jaguars.

Local bands the Shadowcasters, the Surfside IV and the Swamp Coolers all hit the stage, playing original surf and spy-fi music, plus classic covers such as “Walk Don’t Run” and “Rumble.”

“It was a fun party,” said Swamp Coolers guitarist Stephen Chernek. “The DJs played cool old vinyl you never get to hear, and it was especially cool to see and hear all the vintage and not-so-vintage Jazzmasters and Jags in the three bands playing different styles, but each with an element of surf.”

Surfside IV guitarist and event organizer Trey Rhodes said, “Without Fender’s involvement, this would’ve been difficult to pull off. As far as the tiki scene in Arizona, I’m glad we could start something up, and Fender was there.

Proceeds from the event will go to Boundary Breakers, a Phoenix charity benefiting homeless children and their families.

Photos by Clay Lyons


This story has 1 comment.


sounds like a super event you guys had there.

I love it when surf, tiki , and hot rods come together.

wish I could have been there.

cool deal getting all the big name sponsors.


bigtikidude | 30-Jul-2007 23:32:43 | Flag

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