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The Continental Magazine - Issue #14 w/24 song CD Available Now

The Continental Magazine - Issue #14  w/24 song CD - #CT014 - $5.95 (OUT NOW!!!)

The latest issue of The Continental Magazine, featuring interviews with The Ghastly Ones and Wormtone Records, along with a 24 track CD, is now available for only $5.95. Also included in this issue are Satan's Pilgrims, a look at the Scandinavian surf/instro scene, the Double Crown On The Rocks 10th Anniversary Fest and much, much more. 36 pages in all, with a 2 color glossy cover. To order send $5.95 US + shipping ($1.05 to any US/Canadian address, or just $2.05 to any other address) to Double Crown Mail Order. You can also send a Paypal payment to or cash/check/money order or order through the Double Crown website.
If you would like a 3-issue subscription, it's $16.00 if you live in the US, or $20 anywhere else in the world.

Track Listing:
1. Car Hire From Hell: El Ray
2. At The Skyline Drive-In: The Barbwires
3. Das Kosmodrom: Die Kosmonauten
4. Lillian: Eddie Angel
5. Night Boat: The Sidemen
6. Wild Driver: The Men From S.P.E.C.T.R.E.
7. Cal-Tiki: The Pyronauts
8. That’s Why You’re On My Mind: The Barbary Coasters
9. 350 Bumper Car: Glasgow Tiki Shakers
10. Lollypop Queen: The Incredible Mr. Smith
11. Get Bent: Retroactive Gamma Rays
12. Shooting Star: Shig & Buzz
13. Sukiyaki: Cocktail Preachers
14. CheeseCake: Pozor Vlak
15. Shufty: The Special Agents
16. Crystal T: SPF-4
17. Avast Ye!: Retroactive Gamma Rays
18. ChronoSurf: The TomorrowMen
19. She-Wolf Of Lubyanka: The Illuminoids
20. Long Range Desert Group: El Patapsco
21. Dos Diablos: The Nematoads
22. Surfin’ The Cruncher: The Cruncher
23. Attack Of The Sea People: Mister Neutron
24. Shark Pit: Cutback

Note: If you are a subscriber, placed an ad, or submitted a song your magazine/s will be send in the mail over the next week or so.

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