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Link Wray: Jack The Ripper Tab

I posted this to the Yahoo Group years ago. Hope someone finds it useful. Comments are welcome.
Song:    Jack The Ripper (Cooper/Wray)
Artist:  Link Wray

Tabbed by Brian Neal - 27-Sept-2004

Modified 29-Sept-2004; fixed a typo on the A chord at the end of
the chorus.

Here is my first crack at this instrumental classic. 
Comments and bug fixes are welcome.

I'm just going to show the different parts, you can piece them
together in the correct order.

Intro chords and twang: 
G to A. Here are two ways to play it, you make the call:


Intro lead line (ho = hammer on/off; s = slide):



Chorus/Bridge/Retro Cool Part:

---------------|-----7-7---------| 4 times

|-----7-7---------| 4 times


Guitar Solo:

--9--9--9--9-|--9--9--8s-9---9--9--9-| Repeat 3 times the 1st time, only twice the second

-10-10-10s8-8-8--8-8-8--8s5-5-5-  ** Note carefully what happens here

This story has 2 comments.


Brian thanks for the Tab. Between you and CaptainSpringfield I will have Jack the Ripper down pat!

Joelman | 13-Nov-2006 01:00:21 | Flag

i googled this tab and look where i ended up! ;)

pointbreakspy | 24-Feb-2007 05:34:28 | Flag

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