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The Guitar Soundwave Instrumental Surf Music Volumes One - Four

My books are finally completed and I am proud to announce the volumes are now available for preview and purchase on Blurb Bookstore (use links below), listed under my name - Cydney Corl Hill & also available on Amazon.  

I would love you to take a look and to celebrate the creativity of both musicians and artists involved in the world of instrumental surf music - both from the past and in the present.  These volumes chronicle the evolution of this unique music genre and illustrate the creative power of music and art. 

I have tried to give due credit to every band, artist, and creator in these texts - if one does not want to be included please send me an email and you will be removed. Due copyright and credit is very important to me. I’m not in this for $ - I break even just making the books available.

Take a look - and see what I have been up to during the past decade - I hope you enjoy the preview and will be willing to share these unique texts with your friends and family.


Volume One

Volume Two

Volume Three

Volume Four

Humbucker Hill Galleries
P.O. Box 791
Colorado Springs, CO. 80901

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