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Double Crown On The Rocks T-Shirts/Posters For Sale!

Hey, we've still got some cool Double Crown ON THE ROCKS T-shirts and posters available from the shows this past weekend. If you'd like one, here is ordering info:

Poster is $10 + $6.00 for USPS Priority Mail shipping to any US address. NOTE: This is a mockup of the poster done by Johnny Bartlett - the actual poster looks slightly different than this (even better than this!). The posters were printed on thick cardstock on an old 100+ year letter press by Horwinski printing - check out their site at At the moment, this is not available outside the US I'm afraid. It is a large poster on thick cardstock and cannot be folded or rolled, so I haven't figured out a way to mail it without it being damaged outside the US.

T-Shirts are $10 each + $4.00 for USPS Priority Mail Shipping to any US address. Shipping is $7.50 for USPS Global Priorty Mail to Canada/Mexico and $9.50 for shipping outside the US/Canada/Mexico. Sizes: Womens Small & Medium (baby doll and spaghetti strap styles) - Men's Standard Style Small, Medium, Large and X-Large. The shirts are preshrunk.

To order, you can send a Paypal payment to: or cash/check/money order to:

Double Crown Records
P.O. Box 4336
Bellingham, WA 98227-4336

These will be added to the Double Crown site soon, but I'm giving all of you at SurfGuitar101 first crack at 'em!

We also have Kilaueas tour shirts available - please e-mail me at: for details. These will be going up on the site soon.

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They are now up at and available for purchase with your credit card, Paypal or cash/check/money order.


Sean Double Crown Records

Double-Crown-Records | 24-Sep-2006 00:22:09 | Flag

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