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SurfGuitar101 Voice Chat - TeamSpeak!

SurfGuitar101 is pleased to announce that we now have a TeamSpeak server. We can now offer voice chats! All you have to do to get started is go to the TeamSpeak Downloads page, and grab yourself a client program. Clients are available for Windows, Linux, and Macs (be sure you get the right one), and are available free of charge to non-commercial users (i.e. us). I've used Teamspeak extensively and I can vouch for it being free of spyware.

You will need speakers and a microphone for your computer to chat. I use a microphone/headphone headset combination, but any old computer mic will do.

For additional help, information, etc., please see this forum thread.

I will shortly install a block that will appear on the home page that will indicate who is chatting on TeamSpeak.

This resource was brought to you by the generous people who have donated to the site. I hope it proves useful to the surf community! Use it to talk about surf music, shoot the breeze, coordinate going to shows, make new friends, etc.

Here are the instructions for the PC client. I'm assuming its similiar for the Linux client. It may be a bit different for the Mac client.

  1. Launch TeamSpeak.
  2. Click on Connection in the Menu Bar.
  3. Click on Connect in the dropdown menu.
  4. Right click in the white servers section of the window.
  5. Click on Add Server in the Menu Window.
  6. Name the server what ever you want, SurfGuitar101 is a good choice, and press the Enter key.
  7. This will open the server properties section of the current window. The Server address is
  8. Please set your nickname to your site username.
  9. Click on the Anonymous radio button.
  10. The server password is morereverb.
  11. Click the Connect button to connect to the server. You will see a list of channels (rooms). Clicking on a channel will move you into that channel. The default channel is called "The Shallow End", and is open to everyone. Other channels may be password protected.

This story has 1 comment.


I have a mac and had no problem getting connected.

DannySnyder | 07-Sep-2006 02:14:42 | Flag

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