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"Shootout" by The Insanitizers wins First Prize in Dallas Songwriters Association 2016 Competition

"Shootout" just WON FIRST PRIZE in the 2016 Dallas Songwriters Association Contest (Instrumental). The award page cites Insanitizers guitarist Conrad Swartz as the songwriter ("Squid" here on SG101). Here is a link to the awards page:
Along with that web page announcement is a video announcement, on the third in a sequence of video recordings of the contest awards program. "Shootout" is the first song on The Insanitizers' October 2016 album "Guitar Fun" and is followed by 21 more energetic guitar instrumentals. You can hear it at, and the CD album is sold by DWM Music, Deep Eddy Records, CD Baby, etc.

In this contest "Shootout" competed against instrumentals of any genre, so this shows that surf guitar music remains interesting and competitive. In recording the lead Conrad used a Rose Mariposa pickup near the bridge on a strat style guitar.

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