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Big Papu & Daddy O'Grande

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SG101 Convention 2015 T-Shirts

The Surf Guitar 101 2015 Convention will have t-shirts! A Denver based company called ilaughoutloud is bringing a limited number of these, so be sure to purchase early. Shirts are available in a range of adult shirt sizes and will be $20 each. Proceeds of shirt sales help fund the convention! Contact GINNY at to pre-order and pre-pay with PayPal to be sure your size is available. While supplies last, shirts will be made available three days: Friday night a the Purple Orchid, Saturday at the Convention, and Sunday at the HB Pier Surf show. Pre-order or contact Ginny to let her know you're interested so she can bring enough!


This story has 1 comment.


Just FYI, the amount of interest we see here will determine how many shirts we ultimately bring. If we see little interest, we will bring fewer shirts.

So, let us know you want one or two! Thanks!

The count down is on!!

Denver, CO

imagesinthewind | 31-Jul-2015 13:15:50 | Flag

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