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Sierra Surf Music Camp 2015

Howdy Campers!

It's that time of year again - time to sign up for Sierra Surf Music Camp!  What the heck is SSMC you may wonder?  It is the ultimate weekend camping out with some of the finest surf musicians and people on the planet!  The camp is located near the historic gold mining town of Nevada City at a beautifully wooded 4,000-foot elevation and is situated beside the picturesque Bear River.  Surf jams start the weekend off before groups of campers are assembled into SurfBand101 classes.  Through rehearsals and one-on-one lessons with pro musicians like John Blair, Dusty Watson, Dave Wronski, Ferenc Dobronyi, Matt Quilter, and many others, campers will learn to improve their skills on their instrument.  Classes will also be offered in songwriting, the history of surf music, instrument set-up/maintenance, and ukulele.  Each day culminates with surf music by the campfire and at the end of camp each SurfBand101 group will perform what they’ve learned.  SSMC is open to all ages and levels of musicians and families are strongly encouraged to attend.

May 28-31, 2015

To sign up please visit our website and download the application.

For more information contact camp director Paul Beatie


Surf Scout

This story has 4 comments.


Awesome concept! Good luck with it!

da-ron | 28-Jan-2015 06:38:54 | Flag

I want to go again this year but the wife will be in her third trimester at that time. Probably not a good time to camp with her or be away from her. Boo Sad

I highly recommend this camp for up & coming surf musicians & enthusiasts. Its fun, educational, and just beautiful!

josheboy | 28-Jan-2015 10:03:35 | Flag

Oh Josh... your due date isn't until August and camp is in May! It would be rad if you both came back!

Pyronauts | 29-Jan-2015 09:51:04 | Flag

wait, josh is pregnant too?

bigtikidude | 01-Feb-2015 15:39:34 | Flag

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