First Post!
Submitted by
on February 26, 2006.
First post! Okay, I'm starting to get a feel for this stuff. I see we have some members already! Thanks for signing up!
Please take a look around and let me know if anything is broken or if you have any suggestions. You can use the Feedback link in the upper left Modules menu to send me comments.
If anyone wants to submit nifty little icons for these news categories (or contribute any art), please let me know. Currently I have the following topic categories: Bands, Gear, Reviews, Show Announcements, Show Reports, and Site News. Currently you are seeing the default PHP-Nuke icon for this story.
Members can leave comments on these stories too.
Coming soon: the forums and hopefully some reviews culled from the archives of the SG101 Yahoo group.
More to come!
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with the site staff, you can contact us directly.
A nice photo/icon of a reverb tank would be good for the gear topic.
i like the way the comments section functions.