Clip of Dick Dale & His Del-Tones performing "Misirlou" from the movie "A Swingin' Affair".
Australian surf band The Atlantics perform Bombora; footage taken from a newsreel clip about the new surf craze.
THE BOARDWALKERS have been providing Southern California surf / instrumental music since 1989.
The Fin-Dicators: Surfin' Rock. Four guys and one big ocean of sound. After Cliff Woodbeach (guitarist) sustained a head injury during a bizzare surfing accident, he has been plagued with never ending surf rock melodies ringing in his ear. The only therapy which can drive out those melodic demons is to play a highly reverbed surf guitar. If you ever come out to see him and the rest of the Fin-Dicators "take in the cure" at a live gig, you too will have surf rock melodies ringing in your ears, for days.
Four guys in Atlanta, GA with a love for the reverberated instro surf-rock sounds of yore.
A current video of the new Atlantics doing Bombora
The Bitch Boys "Gotchya" video clip on YouTube.
1963 clip from Aussie TV. Amazing!
The Vara-Tones originated in the early sixties when The Fireballs, The Ventures, and Duane Eddy were some of the names on the charts and on the radio at that time, and Leo Fender and Dick Dale were beginning to experiment with the outboard reverb unit in conjunction with the Stratocaster and Showman amplifier. After putting in about a year of garage time, the Vara-tones gigged around Southern California during the height of the surfing craze ('63 - '65) and released a single, `Repeto' on the Kay label in 1964. The group disbanded in 1966. In 1997, all the original members who weren't dead got together for a reunion - jamming together just for fun. This ultimately resulted in their first album entitled "Jetty Subject To High Surf" which was followed by their current release "Headin' Out". Visit their website at
Blazing new frontiers in Surf Music.